
Verify the assets of borrowers and safely grant credit.

Get a consolidated overview of account, balances, previous transactions, and account holder records to ensure the borrower has sufficient assets to qualify for a loan.

Product Features
  • Details of a user's finances
    Retrieve summary of user's previous transactions, current account balances, and identity information.
  • Transaction Insights
    Inspect customer's transaction data, such as type, location, and customer name— the information is standardized across institutions enabling you to give out loan with confidence
  • Open Banking/PSD2 integrations
    Verifrica payment platform helps you meet open banking and PSD2 requirements which include secure access to accounts, strong customer authentication, and consent management with the aim of improving customer authentication processes.
How it works

Make request and gain access to users asset report

Send a POST request to the Assets endpoint to call users financial data and identity.

Building the future of financial payment in Africa

Users can review this data before sharing their financial information with developers, lenders, and other third parties.
